Thursday, August 20, 2009

after a month

Almost one month already past since I posted my last entry in this blog. It doesn't mean that I got tired from blogging nor I hate it but the truth here is that LAW SCHOOL is so DEMANDING!!! Come to think of it, I'm a full time student yet I still don't have enough time to study!!! I did try to use a time chart to schedule the subjects that I will study per day and also I already adjusted my body clock from the usual 9 p. m. - 6 a. m. to 3 a.m to 7 a. m. sleep.

Worse, I almost dropped out of law school because of some terror professor whom I almost have a heart attack.

Last week, we got our midterm exams in three subjects namely: Statutory Construction, Criminal Law and Constitutional Law. By next week, we will have our exams in Environmental Law and Persons and Family Relations. Luckily, our professor in Legal Accounting, Atty. San Buenaventura, will not give exams in exchange of a project.

Yesterday, Ate Esther already dropped Statutory Construction. I understand her predicament because that subject requires a lot of effort like digesting cases and etc. but I hope she'll reversed her decision.

As of now, I have to focus on my classes in law school!!!

I hope and pray that we will all pass the subjects! God knows how I studied very hard for it!!!

All I want to say is


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