Saturday, December 27, 2008

Nihonggo Class

I'm quite saddened reminiscing the past my nihonggo class days from Nihonggo 1-4 during my second and third year in college!!! The laughter we felt whenever our very dedicated and beautiful sensei aloha cura will make a joke or simply her comments that we find laughable enough!!! The stress and pressure during the exam week which I believe I managed to pass with flying colors! The nervousness I felt whenever she call my name for recitation or just for me to construct a sentence using patterns specially the never ending wa-desu pattern as example. There, I gain a lot of friends like Agnes san, JJ sempai, Alva san, Maver san and etc.... I am given a chance to interact to different persons with different personalities!? different gender, age, gender etc... Some are quiet, some are jolly, some are quite naughty but all of us were gathered to study only one subject that is NIHONGGO. God, I miss those days!!! Now, that I'm about to graduate in May, this is one of the memories I will treasure in my heart till the end of my days!!!

To my classmates and sensei,

Mina san:

Domo Arigato Gozaimasu!!!

It seems that some of my classmates in nihonggo already graduated and some are about to graduate and Sensei will be expecting a baby boy soon.


Omedetou Gozaimasu!!!

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